Friday, September 17, 2010

My new nephew and a fun lunch date...

This morning Jay's sister gave birth to her second son, Jett at 9:37 a.m. weighing 6 lbs. 9 oz.  He is the spittin' image (southern speaking) of his older brother Scout!  They live in North Carolina so pics will have to do for now...wish I could be there!!!  (I stole these pics off of Jessica's facebook)

Proud Pop-Pop and baby Jett

Baby Jett and proud baby brother Scout

For the end of Karis' star student week we got to go eat lunch with her.  Thanks to my friend Marybeth who watched the kiddos so that I could go!  We brought Karis Subway and it was so fun to see her in her element and to put the faces with the names she has been telling us!

Us and our girls...Brayden was hangin' out at home with Eli.  :)

My parents are selling at the Countrywood sale this weekend but my sweet daddy spent most of the morning in the ER with a kidney stone.  Thank goodness they think he passed it and is feeling much better!   

I am soooo exhausted has been a long week.  It is 8:00 and I seriously think I am headed to day tomorrow!  :)

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