Saturday, May 4, 2013

Happy Birthday Ethan and Eli!

 Saturday we celebrated Brayden's best friends' birthday, Ethan (8) and Eli (6).  It was one we definitely wouldn't miss and we were honored to celebrate with them.  Marybeth did a great job again with decorating and cake making as always with the theme "Angry Birds".

 She made these cakes awesome huh?!  And funny story about the they are not 33 and 71.  She couldn't find the candles so 3+3=6 (Eli) and 7+1=8 (Ethan).

Most of their best buddies were there and happy, happy, happy!

Karis and Ethan are in the same class as school so alot of her classmates were there.  This is her best friend from her class Naomi.

They had these boxes set up as an Angry Birds game when we got there and the kids got to use a sling shot to knock them down but after a while the big "kids" decided to see how high they could stack them.

Brayden with the birthday boys...

Loved getting to spend time with these sweet friends!  So thankful for their friendships!

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