Thursday, May 30, 2013

My sis-in-law becomes a DOCTOR of pharmacy

 My sister-in-law has been in Pharmacy School for the past 4 years and has studied far more than I ever have and has been so dedicated to her studies.  I remember countless beach trips with her studying on the beach, head in the books when the rest of us were relaxing and playing.  If I had been her I would have said forget the studying but she is so dedicated and it paid off today.  We witnessed her receive her "hooding" for Pharmacy graduation and we were proud to support her today. 

Receiving her hooding...

Yah!!!! Introducing DR. TIFFANY NASON!

Not only did she get her DOCTORATE today, she also did it with honors with a GPA of 3.8!

And she received an award....
 So proud of you Tiff and thankful to have a pharmacist in the family!!!  We love you!

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