Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Children's Museum Sprinkler Park

Today we went to the Children's Museum Sprinkler Park that opened this week and we had a blast playing with our friends!  We took Everett along since his mom had a doctor's appointment and met Hazel and her Aunt "Sissy", Hazel's Grandmother Kaki, and some other friends as well!  I was afraid my big kids would think it was too babyish but ended up loving it.  They made some friends and didn't want to leave 4 hours later!  The little ones didn't like getting water on their heads but overall enjoyed it and wore themselves out and all fell asleep on the way home.  In fact, we got home about 3:30 and Lucy had fallen asleep on the car ride home and she didn't wake up until 7 the next morning!!!  I intended for her just to take a nap when we got home but instead she never woke up and slept all night.

My girls having a ball....

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