Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Cousin B and C

 Two weekends ago I had the privilege of keeping my niece "C" and nephew "B" while my brother and sis-in-law were in Europe.  My sis-in-law is finishing up her residency in Pharmacy school and HAD  to (hard life huh?!) spend 6 weeks in Europe and got to tour some too.  My brother went to meet her the last 2 weeks and they come home Saturday!  We are so proud of her because she graduates at the end of this month and will then be DR Nason!

Anyway, hence the reason I got to hang out with these two cuties!  Hopefully soon (when they are officially adopted) I can show their beautiful faces!  My kids ADORE them!

My girls made a little sitting area complete with magazines at their "hair and makeup studio."  So creative!

Karis is always making and creating things out of paper (and often leaving the infamous paper trail ha!).  Here is an example of one of her creations....

Just had to show off her adorable cute teeth...

One night after they went to bed, my kids and I made some homemade pretzels that tasted delicious but didn't turn out pretty/picture worthy.  They tore all to pieces but tasted good (if that counts!).

All 5 bathed and pj'ed...

 All ready for church...

Ok so had to include this one because fixing her hair was quite comical.  I need lessons ha!
Loved having them!  We made some very fun memories!

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