Friday, May 10, 2013

Brayden's Kindergarten program

 Today on Lucy's 4th birthday, I was thrilled to be able to go to Brayden's Kindergarten program to see all that he had been learning and to watch him sing and perform.  It was a day of mixed emotions for me for sure!

I took the gang...but only had 3 today (plus Lucy).  They were all very good considering.

Averie decided to wake up :)

After the program, we went to Brayden's classroom where we went to see his Kindergarten portfolio and he got to give me some Mother's Day gifts he had made me.  He was so proud to give them to me (homemade sugar scrub)!

A random girl took this for me and I would say she needs a little more practice ha!

Brayden's teacher Mrs. Mary Catherine and his assistant Mrs. thankful for these ladies and the time they invested in my sweet boy.  He has grown leaps and bounds this year!

When we got home I was able to go through all of his portfolio and see how much he has academically grown this year.  

Quite the difference in handwriting from August to May...

"My Valentine is my mom because she is nis (nice)"...teared up over this one!

Proud moment...

Translation: "pokit nif" is "pocket knife"

He had made me a Mother's Day card...

I didn't know I weighed 42 lbs ha!

So proud of the progress he has made this year!  1st grade here we come!

IMG 8881 from Amanda L on Vimeo.

IMG 8882 from Amanda L on Vimeo.

IMG 8883 from Amanda L on Vimeo.

IMG 8885 from Amanda L on Vimeo.

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