Monday, May 6, 2013

Brayden's fake birthday

 Today we celebrated Brayden's "fake" birthday (since his bday is in the summer) so that he got the experience of celebrating and having a special day with his class.  This was his teacher's idea and I was so thankful!  I had a summer birthday too and never got to celebrate with my class so I was thankful she thought of him!  Jay and I went to eat lunch with him and bring cupcakes to his class (and 5 babysitting kids) so it was quite the experience but we survived.  I saw multiple people counting heads as we all passed them ha!

He stood up by the table and everyone sang "happy bday" to him...

Sad to see my babies walk back down their halls after eating lunch with them.  I don't doubt they are in great hands, just miss them!

I got to see the bulletin board where his special work was on display.  He wrote a story a while back about how to make a tent and it is displayed in the hallway for the school to see.  I was so proud of him!

Honored to be his mom and absolutely loved celebrating how special he is!

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