Friday, May 10, 2013

Teacher Appreciation Gifts

 This year I tried to do some different gifts for Teacher Appreciation Week.  As a former teacher, I know how important this week is to them and I wanted to make it special for them.  Each day had a theme and I {kinda} went with it but changed some of them up.  I got a lot of ideas off of Pinterest and changed some to our preferences.  Karis and Brayden both have an assistant so I had to send 4 of each item.

MONDAY:  Bring some kind of sweets.  I made homemade chocolate chip cookies and sent them early last week so they could enjoy them before the sugar overload.
TUESDAY: Send school supplies to restock their classrooms.

{Just so we are clear...this rainbow of colors makes me happy, happy, happy!}

WEDNESDAY: Seeds of knowledge (any kind of seeds or gardening tools)

THURSDAY: Chocolate Lover's 

 FRIDAY: Your own choice

 So thankful for the 4 ladies that have taken care of my sweet children this year.  It eases my heart to know they are well take care of emotionally and physically and challenged academically.  We will be forever grateful to them!  They are truly heroes in my book!

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