Friday, May 24, 2013

First day of summer!

 Today was our first official day of summer and since it was Jay's off day so we decided to make it a family day.  It was so exciting to wake up to NO ALARM this morning, although my internal alarm woke me up by 7.  We spent the morning being lazy in our pj's and then went to lunch at Red Robin (thanks Ryker for the gift card)!

Then we headed to the zoo.  It was a PERFECT day for it!  

The kids had been wanting to ride a camel at the zoo and so today we let them do it.  I have riden 2 camels actually (one at the Egyptian pyramids and once when Jay and I rode one together in Israel), but our kids had never ridden one.  SO it was super fun to be able to experience this first with our kids.  They were so excited!!!  Lucy HAD to ride with her daddy because she knew he would protect her (so thankful she looks to her daddy for that!).

Love these 4 more than I never knew possible!

We got back just in time to jump in and take our first dip of the summer (well them not was too cold!).  
Great day with my loves!!!

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