Thursday, May 23, 2013

Brayden's game and a special package

 Tonight we were so thankful that most of our family was all able to come to Brayden's game.  He has had some rained out games lately and now that we are within a few games of the end of the season, we were thankful they could come. He played great and we won 12-4.

Love these people so much and so thankful for them and their love for our family!

Then we came home to a package from Jay's dad and stepmom.  She hand threaded each one of my kids a personalized necklace, bracelet and/or keychain.  They loved getting to open a package and loved their happies!  Thanks Roxy!

All the while, this boy was WORN OUT!  He fell asleep on the way home.
 So thankful for family!!!!

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