Saturday, June 19, 2010

Father's Day part 1

For Father's Day, we decided to have my brothers over on Saturday night to celebrate with our dad.  Saturday morning the kids and I got out and ran some errands for Father's Day gifts and on the way home, I decided to go through the carwash.  Last time I did this it was  disasterous and both Brayden and Lucy were scared and screaming all the way through it.  This time, B was scared until it got started and then he didn't even cry.  I think he realized it wasn't as scary as he had remembered it and was holding his ears but smiling all the way through it like, "I am proud of myself!" 


And Lucy didn't cry either!

Thumbs up...we made it through with smiles on!

After that we headed on over to the church to start decorating and preparing for VBS for next week.  Then we ran home and I cooked for the family for our Father's Day celebration.  My mom was still in Florida and Matt and Tiff were out of town but Jonathan and Jenna came as well as my brother Allen...and my dad of course.

Aunt Jenna and Lucy

The kids "helping" Pop do something outside....

Uncle Jon-Jon and B drinking their coffee...they both LOVE it.  I guess it runs in the family!

The kids helping Pop open his gift from them...

They picked him out a card and we framed some pics of them for his office.  He has been wanting this for a while now because his others were outdated.

Happy Father's Day Pop!  You were/are a wonderfully patient, kind, loving, and wise father to me.  I admire and respect you so much and I just "happened" to find a soulmate that reminds me of my father in so many ways.  That's a good thing!  :)

We love you Pop!


OH and a Brayden funny of the day...We have been talking alot of missing teeth, pulling teeth etc. because Karis has two loose teeth and we are trying to get them out.  SO we were in Walmart on Saturday and we were on an aisle with a lady that had some missing teeth.  So right as we passed her in the aisle, Brayden says VERY LOUDLY, "Mom, that lady lost her teeth!!!"  I wanted to crawl under the bread and hide for about 2 hours.  And yes, I think the lady heard him!!!  I just kept walking...I was mortified!

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