Monday, August 18, 2008

Saturday in Destin

Today was spent at the beach as well for part of the day and then we spent the remainder of the day getting out on the town while it was cloudy.

Together we all put our efforts together to build a sandcastle.

Pop-Pop was the chief of the project.

Adding a river to our castle

Brayden and his contributions

Pop-Pop bringing water

Daddy built the kids a hole to play in.  This was such great entertainment for Brayden!

It started to get cloudy and Pop-Pop wanted to take us to a restaurant he heard about called Dewey Destin.  It was a hit and such a cool, quaint little place right on the marina.  Brayden loved it because of all the boats!

After eating lunch we went over the Destin Marina to see all the boats up close.  Funny story...this little girl in the picture below was so sweet.  She came up to talk to us and told us that her dad was the captain of this big boat in the picture.  She kept bringing fish food over and giving to our kids to feed the fish (which Brayden loved!).  She was bringing handfuls of it and kept coming back (the fish food was sold for $.50 a handful).  She finally said, "I figured out how to get fish food without paying for just shake it and it comes out!"  We couldn't believe it and couldn't help but laugh initially.  This sweet little "giving" girl was stealing it out of the machine!!!  Needless to say we didn't let the kids take any more from her.

While Jay stayed with the kids during their nap, Nonnie, Jessie and I went to the beach until this storm headed our way.  We started packing up and literally could see the storm coming across the ocean.  We finally got in the car and within about 2 seconds it was pouring!
Saturday to be continued....

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