Monday, August 18, 2008

Friday in Destin

Today was by far the best and most fun day yet.  Allen and Tiff were at the beach with us most of the day as well as Kevin drove down to join us for the last couple of days.  The weather was gorgeous and everyone just had a really fun day.

Allen and Tiffany 
Brayden sitting in the hole he made

Sissy sitting in the hole

Mr. Hollywood

Me and my kiddos

My future sister-in-law Tiffany

My brother Allen and I

Allen and Tiff

The kids found another friend on the beach...her name was Amanda.

Brayden was "catchin' a fish!"

I guess they were watering Pop-Pop....

Pop-Pop and Aunt Jessie with Karis

Me and my boy

His new thing...sticking his head between your makes me laugh every time.  He doesn't warn you and just comes in behind you and sticks his head between your knees.  He thinks it is hilarious!

Karis and Aunt Jessie

Brayden kissing Pop-Pop's precious!

Poor Pop-Pop was getting abused....and loving every minute of it!

We wrote Karis' name in the sand

Brayden and his sweet!

Karis and I went walking down the beach looking at all the sandcastles and she liked this one...
Tonight to be continued...

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