Sunday, August 3, 2008


Mid-afternoon today Brayden was waking up from his nap and Jay went to get him and brought him to our bed.  We were playing, laughing, tickling etc. until a loud thunder sounded.  The mood suddenly changed for Brayden and he was pasted on me for about 10 minutes.  It really scared him.  So we began a conversation with him that went like this:

Mom: Brayden there is no reason to be scared because God made that thunder and remember he is with us all the time.  (We began singing a familiar song "All night...all day...angels watching over me my Lord, all night...all day...angels watching over me.")
Who made the thunder Brayden?
Brayden: God
Mom: Who made the clouds?
Brayden: God
Mom: Who made the trees?
Brayden: God
Mom: Who made the grass?
Brayden: God
Mom: Who made the sun?
Brayden: God
Mom: Who made Brayden?
Brayden: God
Mom: Who made Karis?
Brayden: God
Mom: Who made Mommy?
Brayden: God
Mom: Who made Daddy?

And randomly his answer was: Angels!

It was so cute!  It is amazing how their little minds work.

1 comment :

  1. That's too cute!! BTW--I love the new look of your blog, Amanda!! :)
