Tuesday, August 5, 2008

To my readers

For all of my readers that are receiving this via Google Reader or Email probably haven't noticed that I have changed the look of my blog.  New hobby or call it a fascination...I have learned to design it myself!  It has been fun just playing around!


  1. awwwww our blogs are twins! =) The pictures of your kids across the top is great!

  2. I LOVE the new look!! That is my favorite verse...great design! And your kids are just adorable! :-)

  3. I love it! We have the same verse for our blogs. Also, we are not coming to Memphis. My parents are taking the whole family to Panama City Beach this Saturday and there was no way to fit it all in. Hopefully soon. Karis still talks about the other Karis.

  4. Amanda,
    I'm so glad you wrote this post, because I read blogs throught the RSS feed and I never would have known to look. This looks awesome. I wish I knew how to do something like this. I love it. I recently changed my background, but I already don't like it. Good job.

  5. I love the background! Wish I knew how to do it! We are loving having your mom keep Chase. She is a blessing to us!
