Friday, August 1, 2008

The awaited allergist appointment

The kids and I made an appointment this morning that will forever change our eating habits in the Lemonds' household.  We spent 4 HOURS at the allergist...undergoing tests, results and conversing with doctors and nurses about Brayden.  We have known for quite some time that he was allergic to peanuts and possibly ranch dressing (eggs) but wanted to have the official test done so that we know how to better handle/treat his allergies.  We had lots of time to kill and knowing me...I had my camera in my purse as I took lots of sweet pics with the kids because they were both cooperating with the camera (very rare).  These were all prior to the testing because afterwards he was NOT cooperating (because he had just been pricked over 50 times, had no lunch and it was 1:30 and he was ready for a nap).  Results of the allergy test will be at the bottom of the post.

The longest 20 minutes of my life....

Brayden got pricked over 50 times in his forearm as you can see below and I had to hold it in place and let nothing touch it (while he was kicking and screaming for most of it) for 20 minutes!  The doctor and nurse came in every 5 minutes to check his reactions and after the first 3 minutes and he already had reactions, he mentioned to me that Brayden had just about broken a record in the office at that point.  Most don't break out that bad in the whole 20 minutes and he had several major reactions after 3 minutes!
The initials at the top of his arm (I think) stood for T-trees, G-Grass, W-Weeds, M-Mold, O-Other (animals), and F 1 and 2-foods.  The results came back that he is allergic to lots of pollen, dust, mold, mildew, dogs (HIGHLY), cats, roaches (strange I know), and as far as foods...strawberries, eggs (salad dressings, ice cream, some noodles, cookies, cakes, waffles, mayo and so many more), peanut and white potatoes (no french fries, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes..but can have sweet potatoes).  I am definitely going to have to change some of my cooking habits for him!   He will also have to have allergy shots every week for a while until we can tell a difference.... which could take up to a year or more.  Also there are adjustments we have to make to contain dust in his room (plastic covers on mattress/pillow, cheesecloth on vents, dust 5 times a week (haha) and some others.  But all are manageable it will just take some adjustments.  I just want my baby to be healthy!

If you will notice in the below picture there is one big whelp in the middle and it is the reaction to dogs...don't know what we will do with Jackson???? We are discussing that one.
(There are two pics each with a different flash setting...I was trying to get a good picture but they are still hard to see).

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