Tuesday, August 26, 2008

10,000 hits today

I am shocked that this blog I started as just a glimpse into our life (mostly for grandparents) has somehow reached 10,000 hits today!  I am humbled and shocked...and I would like to know who you are?!  To God be the glory.


  1. That's awesome Amanda! I love reading your blog--it's a great way to keep in touch.

    I tagged you in a post... check out my blog for details!

  2. I might have contributed. But only by a few. I promise that I haven't come more than about 6,500 times--so that leaves you with about 3,500 unaccounted for. Good luck! :)

    On a serious note, I have only visited a few times and I came through Becky's site. (She has a massive blog roll and I just drift through the links sometimes.) Congrats on your success.
