Monday, August 25, 2008

Redbirds game attempt

Our goal tonight was to go out to eat with my parents at Outback and then enjoy an evening at the Redbirds game....which because of the monsoon, didn't happen.  The game was obviously rained out.  We did, however, go to enjoy a wonderful steak (the best we have ever had there) at Outback and then we headed downtown anyway to ride the trolley.  Brayden had been so excited about the Redbirds game that we had to find something else fun to take his mind off of the fact the game wasn't happening tonight.  

Me and mom

Karis and her Pop

Brayden was being a daddy's boy for a while tonight

Watching out the window of the trolley

After the trolley ride, we decided to go into Peabody Place and get some ice cream.  Jay and I got Starbucks and the kids and Lolli and Pop got ice cream.  Karis chose cotton candy which was very BLUE as you will see from the picture below.

Brayden attempting to eat ice cream out of the cone with a spoon.
Hopefully we will get to go to that Redbirds game one day this week.  Otherwise, my son will revolt!

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