Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Most of you already know that my 19 year old brother Jonathan is in Brazil for 6 months doing missions until December.  He has had several injuries while there.  A couple of weeks ago he was playing basketball (with no shoes on) and broke his little toe and the bone came through his foot.  He spent all night in the emergency room and they reset it and stitched it up.  He kept saying it didn't look right but that it didn't hurt so he wasn't going to worry about it.  Well he did it again!  Friday he was playing in a barefoot soccer league and re-injured it again and the same thing happened.  He ended up having surgery on it yesterday and they had to put a pin in it (under his toenail) until it heals.  I talked to him a few minutes ago and he is in alot of pain as to be expected.  He only gets up about 2 times a day and that is to go to the bathroom because his foot is swelling terribly.  There is an infection in it as well so that is making the pain worse.  He is going back to the doctor tomorrow so we will know more after that.  Please pray for his quick recovery and that his pain and swelling are lessened.  Also pray for his ministry there that the Lord would use this to further His kingdom.  You can keep up with him at

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