Saturday, February 21, 2009

Finding stuff to do...

Because it is cold and rainy outside, we are all trying to find things to do inside and there are 3 people in my family (not me...I enjoy lazy days) who are getting restless.  It is only 11:00 a.m. and we have completed a ton of activities trying to keep everyone busy.  So far we have made homemade biscuits, bacon and eggs, made a tent for the kids to watch a movie in (Air Bud was the movie choice of the day), played upstairs, bird watched, played playdoh, used our art buckets, cut coupons and menu planned, caught up on blogging, email and facebook, had computer time (all 4 of us at the table with our laptops), had snack and it feels like it should be about 5 p.m. already but we sure are enjoying ourselves.

Here are the kids in their tent while watching Air Bud

We have had a ton of birds at our bird feeder lately including Redbirds and a bunch of other birds we didn't know what kind they were.  We decided to pull up a chair and watch them and then do some research in honor of our African friend Stratton (he is a serious bird watcher with charts and everything and can name any bird he sees).  Of course we had the male and female redbirds (they were "married" Brayden said) and then we took a pic of another bird the kids called a zebra bird because it's tail is black and white stripe. We later found out on the internet it was a Golden Crested Kinglet or something like that and is from Canda (we were trying to explain to the kids about migration).  I could have that totally wrong though...we already forgot.

I wonder what the rest of the day will hold...

1 comment :

  1. Hey Amanda,
    I am moving to your part of the your specific 3 weeks! I would love to find "stuff to do" with you. I will send you a message on facebook when we get there we should be there starting March 17.

    Hope we get to hang out,
    Lori Hobbs McKenzie
