Monday, February 2, 2009

Just hangin' out...

Today I had a doctor's appointment and then on our way home, we stopped by Brayden's allergist to get his weekly allergy shot.  He has gotten used to them and only cries for about 10 seconds and then wants a sticker.  He has learned where it is and tells me where to turn (isn't that sad?).  Anyway the kids had no nap and it was about 3:00 so while we were waiting for them to check his arm we enjoyed the sunshine to keep them busy.  (After he gets his shot, we have to wait 30 minutes to make sure he isn't going to have a reaction to it.)  So here we are just hangin' around...

Brayden is still workin' on that "happy" smile.  He looks like he is drugged or in pain!

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