Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Lemonds Band

The other night the kids wanted to have a dance party.  So daddy found some fast music and they started going to town.  It was hilarious and so much fun. Then the kids started picking anything they could find and "playing" it like they were in a band.  We had a drummer, a guitar player, piano player, even the music minister!

Brayden playing his guitar like "Danny"  (his hero from our church band)

Brayden playing the drums

Karis the drummer

Funny story...Karis got this step stool and said, "I am the preacher!"  And then she started moving her arms like she was leading the choir.  She went to Lolli's church this past weekend and said she saw the "preacher" there doing it.  Obviously it was the music minister.  Our worship leader plays the guitar while he sings so he doesn't ever do this.  How funny!

Drums again...
We will be releasing CD's soon so be looking for them...

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