Sunday, February 1, 2009

Superbowl Party

For the Superbowl 43, we went over to our friend's house, Brian and Paige Tillman, along with some other friends to "watch" the game.  To be honest, only the boys watched most of the game.  We made predictions before the game started about half-time scores and final scores and the winner got a Sonic gift card.  Of course, our group LOVES to eat, so we had hot wings, Rendezvous sausage and cheese plate, bratwursts, chips and rotel, chicken for the kids and some other snackies.   It wouldn't have been complete without some brownies, strawberry cake and coffee to top the evening off.  The kids played upstairs (all 7 of them) and the girls chatted while the boys watched most of the game.

Here are the boys watching some funny video on Brian's computer...

Me and Paige

Jennifer, my other "Prego" friend, sitting between her husband Todd (on the right and Brandon...our cook) and they both LOVE to eat.  They say they are both about 6 months pregnant.  Can you tell which one is really pregnant???  I can't!

Brayden and his HERO Danny....Brayden has always adored Danny when he is not around but gets really shy when Danny comes around.  Danny plays in our church band and we have always said that Brayden is Danny's #1 fan.  Danny has a CD and Brayden carries the case around the house.  As I speak, Brayden is playing his tennis racket like a guitar and saying, "I'm playing my guitar like Mr. Danny!"

Paige and Mary Beth

The boys chillin'...

Brayden and Karis

Karis and Mari-Morgan

The boys Ethan, Nathan and Brayden

The ladies me, Paige, Mary Beth and Jennifer

It has been so fun being pregnant with a very good friend, Jennifer.  We are due 3 days apart (my due date is May 22nd and hers is May 25th).  Here we are together and I must say..I look like I am about a month or two ahead of her!!!  She is pregnant with her first and this is my 3rd.

Fun Superbowl party...oh and who won the game??? Just kidding.

AND Jay won the Sonic gift slushies and blasts, here we come!

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