Sunday, February 8, 2009

Stomach bug :(

Brayden and I had a long night.  He caught the stomach bug from somewhere and I had a present when he started crying at midnight last night.  He was sick off and on throughout the night so neither him or I got much sleep.  I made sure Jay got some sleep because I was afraid Karis would get it too and he could take round 2 if she ended up with it.  I think he is over the most of it and has drank a little tea but has not eaten anything and I am not pushing it!  He fell asleep watching a movie so I think now he is on the mend.  Hopefully he will get rested and then get a LITTLE something to eat and he will start to be back to himself.  Please pray for us tonight that we all don't end up with it.  Tonight might be a long night too...but I hope not!

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