Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Kids are so literal...

The kids and I were headed to Mari-Morgan's house yesterday and we passed our church Riverbend.  Brayden noticed that there were no cars there and was asking where everyone was.  I explained to him it was a work day and not a "church day" so that is why no one was there.  The conversation then led to the fact that we can talk to God anywhere and learn about him whether we are at "church" or not.  Church is just the building but God is with us everywhere we go. Karis then proceeded to say, "Yea!  God is with us even if we are stuck in the top of a tree or on top of a roof or something!"  Yes she was right I agreed.  Then she said something I wasn't expecting and I could tell the wheels in her head were just turning.  She then said, "Mom there is one place that you can't talk to God."  I said, "Where Karis?"  She replied, " can't talk to God if you are in a GRAVE."  

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