Friday, February 13, 2009

"Luring fish" and crazy hair

We drove into Bartlett early this morning hoping I would get a sub job but ended up not getting one today so we changed up our plans.  Karis stayed and played with her friends at Lolli's house while I took Brayden to get his weekly allergy shot.  He didn't want to leave his friends so I told him I would take him to Bass Pro Shop after his shot which is one of his favorite places to go and every time we pass it he wants to go there.  He is like a kid in a candy store with all the dead stuffed animals and fishing and hunting equipment.  He is such his daddy's boy!  He liked looking at all the fish in the huge tank and picking out bobbers and fishing lures for his daddy.  His excuse for everything he picked up was, "I want to get this for daddy."  In the picture below he wanted to take this jeep home (yea right) but also picked out these bobbers that are in his hand (for daddy of course).  

In the kid section they have this tree house that he enjoyed playing in for a while.  
Brayden ended up getting a magnetic fishing lure that he did not put down even to sleep.  He called it his "luring fish."  He ended up losing it later that night and was devastated so Pop took him back to get another one.  

When we got back to Lolli's house, we headed outside to let the kids jump on the trampoline.  For some reason the static was terrible today as you will see below...

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