Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Quick blog of updates

Sorry not much going on here these days...momma is trying to take it easy.

PREGNANCY UPDATE:  I am still hanging on tight and having contractions like crazy.  I have had several scares where I have had consistent contractions 3 minutes apart for hours but then they go away.  I am a week and a half away from where I was when I gave birth to Karis and Brayden and a doctor's appointment looming this Friday at 36 weeks.  We will update more then or as I know more...until then, I am trying to keep baby off of my ribs, TRYING to get some sleep (not working too well), resting as much as possible, and spending QT with my other two babies.

POTTY TRAINING UPDATE:  I think I can say Brayden is officially potty trained.  We have been several public places on multiple occassions (church, school, grocery shopping etc. and no accidents any of those places).  He hasn't had an accident in days and has even been dry at night and nap time.  He is doing great and I no longer have to ask him constantly if he has to go...he just does it!  Yah!

LOLLY UPDATE:  As I mentioned on the last update, mom had her balloon taken out today (as well as her two friends) and they are all doing great!  They weren't allowed to eat yesterday and today on a liquid diet (yea right) but all feel normal other than being tired.  The study continues for 6 months longer "without" the balloon and they are to stay on a diet/exercise just as they have been for the last 6 months.  At this point, mom has lost around 22 lbs. and the others close to that.  They all look great!  They are about to do another study so if you are interested, contact me or mom (she is on facebook) to get the information.  She said she would definitely recommend it to others!

That is all for now...I am off to take a benadryl so I can sleep tonight!

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