Monday, April 6, 2009

33 1/2 weeks

Pregnancy Update:  Well I am 33 1/2 weeks and things have gotten pretty uncomfortable.  There is no room left in the inn and baby is cramped.  My stomach feels like a brick and sleep is VERY slim.  I am having to take a Benadryl every night just to go to sleep and am often up 6 times a night before I wake up at 6 am or so for good.  I have to get up to go to the bathroom, am woken from horrible nightmares, and sometimes waking up 2 or 3 times a night with leg or stomach cramps where I fling myself from the bed as fast as an 8 month pregnant woman can, followed by Jay sitting up quickly, "WHAT'S WRONG???"  I am also having Braxton Hicks contractions sometimes 30-40 a day for the past couple of weeks.  I went to the doctor this morning for my monthly checkups and knowing my history (going into labor and having both babies at 37 weeks) he decided to skip the 2 week appointments and wants to start seeing me every week until baby comes.  He told me to "lay low" to slow down the contractions and if they get worse to call him.  I don't really know how taking it easy will actually happen with a 2 and 4 year old but I gladly obliged and will opt to not feel guilty taking a nap every now and then.  I know that this is all part of the 3rd trimester and (as my doctor says) the "uterus just gets grumpy" and it is all so worth it!  Although it is uncomfortable at times, I have nothing to complain about and every part of this is a blessing. I love feeling the baby kick around in there and am so looking forward to finding out if it is a boy or girl!!!!  This surprise will make the delivery so much fun!  I am enjoying my other two especially lately and know that their world will soon be rocked as well so I am trying to spend quality time with each of them.  They are both so excited about the new baby.  Brayden went with me to the doctor's appointment today and just grinned really big when he heard the "heart beep" (heartbeat) and said "My baby is healthy and strong!"   

I can't believe the time is going so quickly and we could have a baby in just a few weeks!!!  :)  

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