Friday, April 24, 2009

36 Weeks

I had my weekly doctor's appointment this morning and no progress.  Despite all the contractions and pressure, I haven't dialated at all (but never did with the others either so we weren't too shocked).  I actually lost a lb. this week instead of gaining the dreaded 5 I did last week.  And no...I didn't do anything different.  He has scheduled my C-section for May 12th if the baby doesn't come before then.  I have always had a scheduled section but have never actually made it to then.  Who knows...there is a first time for everything but I am praying this isn't it!  Two and a half weeks and counting....

1 comment :

  1. May 2nd sounds good to me. That would be Caleb's 1 year! Hard to believe that its already a year.
    Praying for the safe arrival of Baby 3!
