Friday, April 24, 2009

Package from Pap and Roxie

Yesterday we got a package from Pap and Roxie that the kids have been anticipating for several days now and were SOOO excited to open it.  They each had a box addressed to them with all kinds of goodies in it.  Can you see the excitement on her face???

She got a baby doll with lots of different clothes, hats and footies to dress it up in.  She was in hog heaven...

Brayden had just woken up so he wasn't sure what to think of it...

But he got excited really fast as he started pulling things out of the box...

Having fun with all the games...

Daddy showing Brayden how the magnets work...

Karis burping her baby....

Brayden entertained by all his goodies (he played with the magnet game for hours and still loves it)...
Thanks Pap and Roxie!  The kids love their things and it was so kind of you to send it to them!

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