Thursday, April 2, 2009

I promise

Yea if you had been at my house tonight, you would have seen that I made a huge spectacle of myself...and wasn't pretty.  Have you ever seen an 8 month pregnant woman trying to give herself a pedicure???  Well I attempted tonight and although it is NOT a beautiful job well done, it is done.  I tried to do the whole pedicure process (razor and all) because my feet have seriously been left undone for a while due to the pregnancy and I was so tired of not being able to wear my flip-flops.  Pedicures are something Karis and I always enjoy doing together and she has wanted to do her fingernails and toenails for over a week now and I have been contemplating how I could accomplish this.  SOO...tonight we attempted and check...mission accomplished.

Just don't look too close!  And if you had been here to witness would have been the funniest thing you have seen all week.

I promise.

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