Friday, December 12, 2008

I THINK we are finally on the mend...for real this time...

Somehow we all got the yucky cold 2 weeks ago and are still recovering.  Of course it started with Brayden and myself and moved on to Jay for a couple of days and then in the last 4 or 5 days Karis has gotten it.  She has been fine during the day but coughs her head off at night. So she has been getting Delsym and Benadryl to try to help her sleep.  For several nights in a row she woke up during the night and she and I were up for a couple of hours trying to get back to sleep (thanks Benadryl).  Well my cold has gone through several stages but as of yesterday was still not gone.  I won't give you all the details but yesterday I finally decided to give in and go to the doctor due to the whole left side of my face throbbing.  I did have a sinus infection and almost double ear infection.  So I started a Z-PAC last night and am feeling some relief this morning.  And last night was the first night Karis slept all night for a while.  SOOOO all that being said, I THINK we are all finally on the mend!

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