Saturday, December 20, 2008

Matt and Tiffany's wedding day

Well today is the wedding day and although it was a great day for Matt and Tiffany and our family, it was a very tough day for my immediate family.  Over the past 24 hours with the weather change, Brayden has developed a fever and a bad cough that we eventually recognized as an asthma attack.  As of last night we were giving Brayden breathing treatments about every 3 hours and on into the night it started being every 2 hours.  Saturday morning he was clearly worse and on into the morning even after an hour, he was begging, "Mom I need another treatment."  We were about 45 out from having to be at the church (keep in mind Brayden was supposed to be the ring bearer and I WAS DIRECTING THE WEDDING) and we had to make an important we just keep with the breathing treatments that are now every 1.5 hours (supposed to be given every 4-6), go to a local emergency room (which would cost us a fortune), or head home and go see his regular doctor who knows his asthma history very well and happens to be open on Saturday with only the cost of a copay.  The decision was made (as hard as it was) for Jay to head home immediately with Brayden and go straight to the doctor.  I was a nervous wreck and worried about him and it was now out of my hands.  I had about 20 minutes to finish getting ready, pack all of our luggage, and be at the church (not to mention 6 of us had to ride in Allen's extended cab truck with all of our luggage).  My mind was in 10,000 different directions and now had to adjust very quickly.  Come to find out later on that Jay got stuck behind a wreck on the interstate and sat still for an hour and a half.  LUCKILY, he had grabbed some cord from our friend Stephanie that allowed him to give Brayden a breathing treatment in the car.  If he had not had that, it could have been bad news.  


Matt with Brayden at some point in the morning (this was the biggest smile we got out of him all day)

This was common of what we saw of him this morning...very pitiful and lethargic.

Karis, my mom, dad, brothers and I arrived at the church (only a few minutes late) and shifted gears quickly.  I was so excited about the day because my brother was GETTING MARRIED; however my heart was clinging to that baby boy struggling for oxygen on the way back home.  We pressed on.

My sweet princess as one of the flower girls

Me and Karis

Seeing the beautiful bride as she is getting her dress on...GORGEOUS!

Karis and her handsome Uncle Matt

Tiffany had taken some pictures outside with her bridesmaids and was freezing...which is typical of her!

Mom kissing her baby boy about to be married...

Matt with mom and dad

Matt and I before the ceremony

Me and my mom

After the wedding, getting pictures taken with our grandmother (Dad's mom) Mimi

After the wedding, Karis went back down the aisle picking up her flowers

Prayer time for the bride and groom

My brother's wedding looks so weird to see a ring on his hand, but so neat!

Tiff with her flower girls

Bride and Groom with flower girls

Some of the bridesmaids

My beautiful daughter

The happy couple...newly married

Wedding party

Karis writing her name while we were waiting...

Wedding party

The wedding was beautiful and went very smoothly.  Pics of the reception to come in next post.

UPDATE ON BRAYDEN:  After Jay and Brayden eventually got to the doctor, we found out that the doctor took one look at him and said, "This is more than just an asthma attack."  They did some blood work, gave him a steroid shot, a breathing treatment, and checked his oxygen level.  He not only was having an asthma attack, but has PNEUMONIA as well.  He gave Jay 3 prescriptions for an antiobiotic, a steroid to take for an additional 3 days and instructed him to give him Robitussin every 4 hours and continue with breathing treatments.  He instructed Jay also that if Brayden's breathing got any worse or if his temp spiked to take him straight to the ER.  He did end up getting a little better but was still very sick and needed to be monitored very closely.

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