Friday, December 19, 2008

18 weeks

As of today I am 18 weeks and oh my word....I don't know what happened this week but I popped out like a large balloon!  It is like it happened overnight.  My clothes have been fitting very tightly for weeks but officially I had to put on the maternity jeans.   I am feeling great besides the new growth (rock) on my belly which is uncomfortable at times.  I went back to the doctor this week and heard the heartbeat and doc says I am doing great.  We go back in 2 weeks on January 5th for our 20 week ultrasound although you know we are not finding out what we are having...we just want a HEALTHY baby.  I felt the baby move for the first time yesterday on Jay's birthday which was such a treat and what a memory!  I have felt all 3 children move in week 17!  How cool!
Sorry it is not a great picture...Karis was attempting to get my head and belly and this is what we got.  You get the point.

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