Friday, December 19, 2008

Matt and Tiffany's Rehearsal Dinner

Tonight Matt and Tiff had their rehearsal dinner at The Spaghetti Factory in Nashville.  It was great hang-out time with all the family and friends and preparation for the big day tomorrow.  Here are some pics of the evening...

My dad, mom and Matt

My family at dinner

Tiffany and her mom and dad, Jeff and Darlene Parrish

Matt and Tiff's present to Brayden for being the ring bearer (a set of sports balls...they know him well!)

The Lemonds' family

The Nason's and the Lemonds (the only pic we got of all of us all weekend...explanation  to come)
My brothers Allen and Jonathan

The happy couple Matt and Tiffany

My three brothers and I (Allen, Matt and Jonathan)

Me and Matt

Lolli and her posee (they did the decorations for mom so she could come to the rehearsal)...sweet friends (Ryan and Debbie J., Karen G., Stephanie and mom)

Karis opening her gift from Matt and Tiffany for being a flower girl...a purse and some jewelry to wear tomorrow in the wedding

Karis and her Uncle Matt
Until the wedding tomorrow....

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