Saturday, December 6, 2008

Uncle Matt's Half-Marathon

Saturday my brother Matt ran the Memphis Half Marathon and we all went to see and support him.  He did great as always and we had a blast watching.  He is an iron man so this was a piece of cake for him although it would be a miracle for me to complete it!

Uncle Allen and Brayden 

Uncle Jon-Jon and Karis

After red Kool-aid

The Marathon ended at the Redbirds stadium and the kids loved looking at the Redbirds car....Brayden couldn't understand why there wasn't a game being played!

Me and my girl waiting on Uncle Matt to finish

Lolli and Karis

Jon-Jon and Karis

Yah he finished!  Matt and Tiffany (getting married in less than 2 weeks)!

Matt with the gang

Uncle Matt and Karis...she was so proud of him!

Why is he smiling after running a half-marathon???

Congrats Matt...we enjoyed seeing you accomplish your goal!

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