Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Morning with Lolli and Pop

We spent Christmas morning with Lolli and Pop and they were thrilled that it was Jesus' birthday AND that they got to open some more presents of course...they are 4 and 2! 

Brayden got some type of gun that he loved

Karis got a horse that goes with her American Doll Julie

Brayden with a new portable DVD player...he looks like he is pain but I promise he isn't.

An American Girl Doll tea set

Brayden got a new movie Happy Feet

Enjoying our "coffee party" with her new set

We did fix real coffee (with milk and sugar) and both of my kids love it...they are Lemonds for sure.  Brayden guzzled each cup and wanted more.  I think he had more than 10 cups of it!

Karis stirring her coffee

Coffee party with Lolli and Pop

Karis also got a new dresser for all her American Girl doll stuff
What a fun morning...and this was just the beginning.  More to come in the next post.

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