Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Resurrection Day!

 Happy Resurrection Day!!!  

I am so excited to celebrate a Risen Savior today knowing that because of what He did for me that day, I have eternal hope!  Thankful for His atonement, forgiveness, grace, mercy and love that allows me to live each day knowing this life is temporary and there is much bigger picture than the day to day.  He is ALIVE and living within me and I am so thankful for the Holy Spirit that enlightens me to His truths!

Also so thankful He blessed and loaned me with these sweet babes...

 This morning at church I had the privilege of teaching these sweet ones.  It was PACKED in my class and I was so thankful to have Brayden's help today.  I seriously could NOT have done it without him.  He was such a great helper!

Best little helper!!!

A little blurry but had to post because it is the only pic I got of all of us today.  I really need to invest in a tripod so we can take pics of all of us at home.

Thankful for my buddy Paige!

Due to a busy week last week and an upcoming busy week, we were thankful to spend this rainy Easter afternoon at home.  I cooked a big lunch and we spent the rest of the day in our pj's, blogging and then we watched the last 2 episodes of the Bible movie together as a family.  It was a great way to end this Easter!  The kids got these delivered to our doorstep today...thanks Mr. Joe!

My favorite Easter Instagrams

 I loved some of the Instagram pics that crossed my news feed, took snapshots of them and ended up with quite the collection!  Praise Jesus it is NOT about the eggs, bunnies or baskets....

But it IS about a risen Savior!!!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Resurrection Rolls and Dyed Eggs

After a busy week we were thankful to have a day at home after a few errands to do some Easter activities with the kids.  I am thankful for fun, hands-on activities that show them the true meaning of why we celebrate Easter!

This year on Pinterest we saw the Resurrection rolls that I wanted to try out.  I have done several other activities that did NOT work so I was hoping this one would.  We followed this blog for details on how to do them and read John 19.

They are super easy and not only did it work but tasted great too!

All you need is:
Crescent rolls (I used 2 packages)
Melted butter (about 1/2 stick)
Cinnamon sugar
Large Marshmallows

You roll the marshmallows (representing Jesus) in the melted butter (representing the oils they put on Jesus) and then in the cinnamon sugar (representing the spices) and then wrap each marshmallow (Jesus) in a crescent roll (Jesus' linens).  Make sure they are sealed.

I added some cinnamon sugar on top of each one (Brayden said it could represent the dirt ha!) and put it in 350 oven for about 20 minutes.  The recipe called for only 10-12 minutes but mine took longer to brown maybe because I put more in there and they were close together.

The marshmallow melts and the inside of the roll is raised, but hollow!  Such a neat picture for the kids to picture the empty tomb.  And the best part, they are edible and GOOD!  It tasted just like a cinnamon roll!

Then we dyed some Easter eggs just for fun.  The kids always love doing these and I enjoy all the colors too.  This year I will be making deviled eggs from all the eggs.

One of my favorite Easter traditions with the kids is our Resurrection Eggs.  I made these several years ago and the kids LOVE to pull them out each year.  We ended our fun day with these and anticipate celebrating a Risen Savior tomorrow morning!
And why not go to sleep in a self made tent with the siblings?!
Happy Easter Eve!  Sunday's coming!!!