Ok I know you read my last post and although it was written days before, it was set it to post at 4:00 on Thursday, the exact time that I would be leaving to pick Jay up at that exact time. I don't exactly like to post on public forums that my husband is out of town, and especially out of the country until after the fact for safety reasons.
But my last post ended with this statement....
"Whew...what a weekend. Glad it is over and that the girls didn't end up getting it. Being 5 days post-sickness and having cleaned our house completely, I hope our house is in the clear.
JUST IN TIME FOR DADDY TO COME HOME THIS AFTERNOON...isn't that the way it always works?! By the time you read this, we will be on our way to pick him up from the airport!"
Well about the time this posted, we were on our way to pick Jay up from the airport and we were SOOOOO excited! Did I mention I missed him?! And that is when our good day turned very, very sour, literally.
All of a sudden Lucy started whining, "Mommy I want you! I want you!" I looked back in the rearview mirror just in time to see Lucy lose her entire lunch, projectile.
Then I hear Brayden screaming, "OOOOO gross!" His strength is not compassion ha!
I finally got to the nearest gas station, pulled over and started trying to clean up what was an impossible task by taking our bag of extra clothes for all the kids that I keep in the car (thank goodness I had it!) and putting it under her on a clean seat and gave her a plan of action for if it happens again. I knew it was too late to go back home and we just had to pick Jay up and then go straight home.
When we got to the airport, instead of going in and waiting at the gate like we always do, we decided to just park in the short term parking garage for Jay to come out just in case Lucy got sick again. She apparently had the bug we had and we knew it wasn't over yet and it probably was going to come out both ends before it was all said and done. We sat there in the garage for about 10 minutes until we decided to just through and pick him up at the door.
We get to the door and park where we knew he was about to come out by baggage claim (he was still waiting on one bag). About that time, Lucy starts crying, "I need to go POO!" I knew it wasn't going to be a normal "poo" if you know what I mean and I knew I didn't have much time. Quickly I decided we had to pull back around and park in the short term parking, again, so I could take Lucy (who had traces of vomit on her clothes, needed to poo and was wearing ONE shoe because the other was covered in you know what.)
We managed to park, RUN inside (all of us) to the bathroom, all the while literally waving at my husband that I haven't seen in 11 days as I ran past him, who by the way, still didn't know what had happened because I was scared to death to tell him what he would be greeted with when he got to the car.
Because I haven't mentioned yet that Jay DESPISES vomit and has a very weak stomach. I knew he just might lose his lunch or dinner or whatever. So I take Lucy to the bathroom, Karis and Brayden reveal to Jay the wonderful bit of news of what had happened and we head back to the car and wait on Jay to meet us there.
Jay got to the car a few minutes later, loaded his suitcases in the back, sits down and barely closes the door and Lucy starts throwing up again, over and over again (in the shirts I had given her earlier...again so glad I had them!) and Jay quickly starts rolling down every window he can and as fast as possible! We pulled up just a little bit to the nearest trashcan and just started throwing away all the tshirts that were now ruined all the while, I had still not even hugged Jay.
Luckily Lucy never got sick again, we made him home all in one piece and got all cleaned up and all was fine other than us absolutely freezing all the way home because it was 50 degrees and we had the windows down all the way home!!!
I hope we NEVER have a reunion like that again and I will cross my fingers that this is the end of the dreaded stomach bug and that Karis and Jay don't get it!!!
He did come home bearing gifts....
The next day when we had finally all recovered from our tragic night, we made Jay's favorite meal to welcome daddy home properly...steak, asparagus, and sweet potatoes!
And we made Frozen Hot chocolates for dinner and they were delicious!!! I got it here.
Frozen Hot Chocolate, adapted from: Tasty Kitchen, here
3 tbsp granulated sugar
3 tbsp hot cocoa mix
2 tbsp unsalted butter
1/3 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/3 cups white chocolate chips
12 ounces evaporated milk, divided
4 1/2 cups ice
whipped cream, to taste
mini marshmallows, to taste
combine sugar, cocoa mix, and butter in the top of a double boiler that is set over gently boiling water. stir often until melted and a smooth paste forms. add semi-sweet and white chocolate chips; stir. as chips melt, slowly stir in 1/2 cup of evaporated milk. stir until smooth. cool to room temp. combine chocolate base mixture, the remaining evaporated milk and ice in a blender. blend until smooth. pour into frosty glasses. top with whipped cream, marshmallows and chocolate chips, if desired. enjoy!
Oh dear! I hate to say it, but I was laughing all the way through the dramatic pick-up daddy story! Only because I could see it all happening in my mind and can totally see this happening to us!! If it makes y'all feel any better, we've had the big bad stomach bug here too this week. Ugh. Hoping it leaves soon!! Glad everyone seems to be on the up and up and that Jay is back home! Hope to see y'all again soon!