Friday, March 29, 2013

Passion Play

We came to Nonnie and Pop-Pop's house to see them in the Passion Play their church puts on every year.  They have both been in it for the past several years and we always enjoy seeing them in their element.  They work SOOO hard at it and always see people come to know the Lord through it.  But this year we got to go see the set early in the day so the kids got to walk up on stage and see behind the scenes.  They LOVED that part.  Nonnie showed us her part...she is a crippled woman and had an AMAZING solo!

Pop-Pop doing an amazing job as the head centurion...I would be scared of him!!!

Nonnie as a crippled woman...

She is healed by Jesus!

Great job Nonnie and Pop-Pop!  You did great as always and the play was God-honoring!  Thankful for the cross!

One thing I was especially thankful for this year was knowing that Karis and Brayden, now believers, would see the story completely different than they have in the past.  They understood so much more and the Holy Spirit gave them a tenderness in their heart that I could see in their eyes as they watched it.  Thankful for seeing fruit already in my children's lives and so thankful that the Lord saved them at a young age!  Now we will continue to pray the same for Lucy and for those around the world who have never heard the good news!

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