Due to upsizing our family and downgrading our budget at the same time, we have managed to sell one of our cars and bought another one since last Thursday. We sold Jay's Honda Accord and bought a much cheaper '99 Honda Passport. We are also in the process of selling my Honda CRV too because due to a new family member, we will no longer fit into it. I have always said that I would never own a van, but the Lord has a sense of humor! It looks as if we will eventually own one because we will need the extra room.
Brayden has also managed over the past week to develop a virus called "hand foot and mouth." Every kid gets it once and thankfully Karis has already had it! It started off as a few ugly bumps and has gotten worse and worse. He looks like he has chicken pox although he doesn't. My mom did take him to the doctor yesterday and they had gotten infected so they gave him an antibiotic cream and an oral antibiotic as well. He looks terrible, but acts normal. Not a hint of being sick...he is such a trooper! Hopefully he will be better soon!
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