Tuesday, March 5, 2013

McAlisters, Book Fair and The BIBLE

Last night we watched the new series on the History Channel "The Bible" together as a family and it was so neat to see all the stories we have read to the kids in a movie so that they see the entire picture.  After reading chronologically through the Bible for the past several years, I was pleased with what I recognized, scenes I knew they skipped and Bible knowledge I wouldn't have known several years ago.  I was also shocked at the details that the kids knew that I didn't realize they knew!  All those nights we thought they weren't listening...

Today I was asking Lucy to recall some of the information we saw in the movie and these were her responses....

There is a good summary of the movie HERE.

Today at the Book Fair, the kids together picked out something for Lucy which I thought was so thoughtful and kind of them.  She was very pleased!  Love that despite the arguing with each other, they do love each other.

I was going to cook tonight, but was pleased when Jay texted me earlier today and asked if I wanted to go to McAlisters tonight since kids eat free?!  UH...yea!

Starting to feel caught up this week and it feels good.  I have felt behind for weeks, maybe even months and just can't seem to get back in the groove.  But my hard work is starting to pay off this week and it feels goo-ood.  Looking forward to some family time next week and a quick trip to have some fun while the kids are on Spring Break!

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