Today was seriously one of the best days of my life and the day I dehydrated because I cried so much (not really but it felt like it!).
Tonight we were doing our family Bible study and I took this picture of my handsome hubby telling the plan of salvation (again) to our children. I am so thankful for a husband and father that cares about the gospel and training his family in the Lord. Seriously, so blessed. BUT when I took this picture, it was only because it melted my heart, I HAD NO IDEA what was about to happen!
We have shared the gospel and the plan of salvation to our children MANY times. Seriously they have all the head knowledge and know the facts but we were just praying for the right time that the Holy Spirit would make the gospel theirs. We didn't want to "talk" them into a decision at any time...we wanted it to be right. We have prayed for a long time that the Lord would give us discernment to know when the "right" time was for all of our children and then wisdom to guide them in the truth.
We had gotten this booklet at the Creation Museum while we were there last week and just now got around to going through it tonight. We had some extra time after our regular Bible Study so we decided to read it. It put some neat details in the story that we wouldn't have normally included in the plan of salvation. It obviously got them thinking...
Anyway at the end of the book/our talk, Karis looked at me concerned but wouldn't say what was wrong. So I asked her if she wanted to talk to just Jay and I and she said yes. So Brayden and Lucy went upstairs and we asked her what was wrong. In a nutshell, she basically said she had felt like for a while that it was her time to make Jesus Lord of her life but was just scared about baptism. So we talked her through that and she said she was ready to make the decision. We asked her all the questions and she knew exactly the decision she was making and was ready.
So she prayed (with some direction from daddy), "Dear God, thank you for loving me. I know I have sinned against you and I am sorry for sinning against you. And because of my sin I deserve to be separated from you. But I know that Jesus died on the cross to forgive me of all my sins. I am trusting you and placing my faith in you to forgive me of all my sins. And from this day forward, I will live the rest of my life following you."
(*I do have a video of her prayer because I knew that someday it would mean the world to her but she asked me not to post it, so I won't. She didn't know I was videoing (sound only) until after it was over.)
Jay and I each prayed over her and then there were LOTS of tears shed from all of us and hugs all around. It was such a special time!!!

Then we Facetimed Lolli and Nonnie and told them the good news. Everybody shed tears!
Brayden came back downstairs and Karis told him her good news and he beamed from ear to ear for her. Then as we were talking a few things over with Karis and finishing up, Brayden kept tapping me on the shoulder over and over again saying, "Mom! Mom!" I kept telling him, "Just a minute Brayden we are finishing up with Karis." Then when we finished talking with her I turned to him and said, "Ok what do you need Brayden?" And he said something to me that I will NEVER forget! He said, "Mom, while you were talking to Karis, I prayed and asked Jesus to come into my life!"
I was shocked and Jay and I looked at each other in disbelief. He wasn't even in the room when we had talked and prayed with Karis and he just informed us he did it on his own!!! So we began to proceed and talk with him and ask him lots of questions. He knew all the right answers and told us he felt like God was telling him it was his time. Then I asked him what he prayed. He said, "I told him that I knew He died on the cross to take away all my sins so I wouldn't have to and that I would live for him the rest of my life. And if he asks me to do something I will do it and if he asks me to go somewhere, I will go...even if I had to walk!" It was amazing to hear my 6 year old say that! What a testimony!!!! So we prayed with him and then Jay and I each prayed over him and then I asked him if he wanted to pray by himself to God and this is what he still my heart. I have watched this probably 200 times sincere and I am amazed of his child-like faith!
Then we Facetimed Lolli and Nonnie again and told them Brayden's good news too! MORE tears were shed that we didn't even know we had and we were all on cloud 9!
Brayden and Karis both wanted to call their best friends and tell them the good news. Brayden called Eli but he was already in bed. Karis called Mari-Morgan and told her and they just giggled together it was priceless!
These two (and us!) were beaming and couldn't wipe the grins from our faces! And even though it was REALLY late, we celebrated with some fudge (and pictures of course)! I totally remember my salvation experience and where I was sitting and my age but I don't recall the date or time mine took place and I certainly don't have any pics/videos of it. So I refused to allow my children to say the same if I could help it. Haha they are getting the play-by-play here to see for years to come!!!

When we were putting Brayden and Karis to bed, Jay gave them a challenge to tell at least one person about their decision. Brayden replied, "Dad can I just tell one person??? Because I want to tell ALL my friends!" It melted our hearts!
Then Karis had been in bed for a few minutes and she came back out and said she couldn't sleep because she was so excited! :)
Dear Karis,
I am so proud of you and for taking a step of faith to ask the Lord to come into your life even though you were scared. You are such a special girl to us and to all those that know you. I pray that you will listen to the Holy Spirit and that He would begin to develop fruit in your life as you grow closer and closer to Him. I pray you desire to know Him more and more every day and that you desire to be obedient to Him no matter the cost. Times will get harder and tests will come but I pray you are faithful to what He has called you to do and that you will find joy in Him that you can't find anywhere else. I pray that you become a Godly young lady and that you don't fall for what the world tells you is important. Remember to find your worth in Christ not in your looks, what you wear or what boys think of you. Praying for your desire to have HIGH standards for your future mate, knowing that you are worth waiting for. I am already praying that God saves him at a young age and that he falls hard after the Lord for the rest of his life. Hopefully, you will find a man as amazing as your father because I know the Lord has preserved you a "Billy Graham" out there somewhere (as my Grandmother used to say to me growing up!). I look forward to seeing how God will mold your little heart to love Him more than you ever thought imaginable!
Dear Brayden,
I am so proud of you for trusting in the Lord to save you without even needing mom and dad's help! Your independence and child-like faith amaze me all the time! You have such a love for life and boldness about your faith that I just know that God will use to make you a true ambassador for Him! I pray that God continues to mold your little heart to love Him more than you love anything else in this world and that the fruit will just multiply before the world tries to convince you that you don't need a Savior. I pray that in a world of sin your heart longs for truth and your mind stays uncluttered and clean. You are priceless to us and to your Heavenly Father and I just know God is going to prepare you to be the Godly man that He desires for you to be and the Godly husband your future wife will need. More than anything, I pray that you love the LORD with all of you and that God uses you in ways that might even be out of your comfort zone so that He can prove to you that with Him, ALL things are possible! After all your name verse is Romans 10:15 "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" I just KNOW that will ring true in your life and I am excited to see how God will prove that true in your heart! You have GOOD news to share!!!
I love you so much and can't wait to see what the Lord will do with and through you!!! SOOO proud of you!
Just wonderful, Amanda!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI've been reading your blog for a while, but haven't ever commented, but I just had to on this one!!! Congrats to your sweet children and to you and your husband for doing such a great job in teaching them about the importance of following Jesus! My child is only 3 months old, but I have been praying that she will do the same thing one day since before she was born. This post brought me to tears and I love the idea of documenting their prayers! :)
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely beautiful!!