Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Friends, Family and Scripture

 Brayden's sweet teacher sends me pics occasionally from school and I am so thankful!  Yah for smart phones!!!  She sent me this one recently of him and a friend on Dr. Seuss day.

Sunday we went to church and then to lunch with some friends.  Then Karis' best friend Mari-Morgan came over for the afternoon.  We had not one but TWO happy girls, Lucy included.  Karis is sweet to share her friend thankful for that.

 Today the kids had Spring Pictures at school.  Love these kiddos!

This is our daily routine change clothes AT LEAST 10 times and at least once is a princess.

 Also today the kids had "Grandparents Day" at school and my daddy was so sweet to take time out of his work day to attend.  It meant the world to them (and ME!).  Thanks Pop!  And was sweet to take a pic too...he knows me well!

My Bible reading in Leviticus was challenging but now in Deuteronomy there is light at the end of the tunnel and I am seeing the purpose in all of "the laws" and the way that God had to discipline the Israelites. They were indeed a stiff-necked people and God to constantly direct/discipline them.  I have learned alot of application from their mistakes.  

This reminds me that success in life is NOT mine.  HE has given me everything I have and everything I have received...I don't ever want to forget that!

God is certainly willing to give you what you ask of Him but your heart condition must be focused on Him...therefore your heart will match His.

A friend posted this on her facebook this week and it is so true to what I have been reading.  HE indeed is able.  The "wilderness" isn't always so bad because we know its for a reason.

This explains why God has in the test us.  Remain FAITHFUL even in the wilderness so you too can see your "promised land."

Again a reminder that God has given us what we have and we must keep our heart condition in check!

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