Saturday, March 9, 2013

Creation Museum

For Spring Break, Jay and I decided to just get away for a few days instead of going somewhere the whole week.  We left Friday after they got home from school and I got off of work and tried to do about half of the driving to save us some time the next day since we had a packed schedule.  We drove to Bowling Green, KY Friday night and stayed at the coolest hotel...the hotel Sync.  It was the same price of a hotel (maybe even less) and it was like an entire apartment.  It had a fully stocked kitchen, living room, balcony, separate bedroom and a bathroom.  Too bad we were just there to sleep or we could have had alot more fun here!

We woke up the next morning and we got on the road.  We had 4 hours left in the trip and we were ready to get there!

We got to the Creation Museum a little before lunch and it was so neat!  We had heard of it through several friends and had wanted to take the kids here for a while. It is a Christian museum that gives lots of cool information about the history behind those famous Bible stories that we all know and love.

It took us through these 7 C's beginning with Creation...

It even had a whole room about evolution and how it can be proven wrong.  Ironically, the monkey's name was "Lucy."  Lucy thought it was funny.  Our kids had never heard of evolution and when we told them what it meant they literally laughed.  My thoughts exactly!

They had a recreation of the Garden of Eden and it was amazing!  So gorgeous and pure.

After sin entered the world, sin had to be atoned for.  In the Old Testament (before Christ's atonement for our sins on the cross) there had to be a sacrifice of the innocent on behalf of the guilty.  When sin entered the world, it got complicated and ugly.

After sin, everything changed.  Consequences came...

Man had to work hard and pain was felt...

Methuselah, the oldest man in Bible history, lived to be 969 years old.

I think the ark was our favorite part of the museum!  This replica was actually only 1% of the actual size.  I can not even imagine!!!

Thanks to the Tower of Babel, we have different languages all over the world...

The kids, Brayden especially LOVED all the dinosaurs!

At the end of the museum, we bought tickets to the snake live show.  Some friends of ours went to it when they were here and said it was worth it and their fav part so we decided to do it.  They were all scared at first but by the end loved it!  In fact when they pulled the first snake out Lucy started screaming crying ha!

He brought out all kinds of snakes and brought Christ into each snake neat.

Jay knew an answer so he got to be the star student up front ha!  "Red and yellow kills a fellow, red and black heart attack."

Brave boy!

This crosses the would not catch me dead doing this!!!

Then he pulled out this 70 lb. python...OMG!  It was huge!  It was so big you couldn't even pick it up out of the tub.  He just dumped it sideways and out came this snake!!!

Yea you can tell Jay and I are pretty much holding this by ourselves and Jay got the "business" end of the snake.  This thing was HEAVY!

Lucy wasn't too fond of this as you can tell.  She was outwardly showing what I felt inside ha!

Then we went to the outside portion of the museum which had a petting zoo. 

Great day with my family at the Creation Museum...we hope to come back again soon!  Now on to some swimming!

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