Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Brayden's soccer awards

Tonight Brayden had his end of the year awards for his soccer league.  He is always super proud to get a trophy...what kid isn't?!

Brayden with his buddy...the coaches son

Brayden's coach is the children's minister of the church and she dressed up like a clown.  My kids weren't so sure about her ha!

Brayden's team getting their awards...

Brayden with his buddy Luke.  Luke is in our small group and is 2 years younger than B and he loves to play with him and take care of him.

Our attempt at a family pic...

Brayden with his buddy Michael...
So proud of my boy for all his hard work!  I love watching him play but will be thankful for the break in our schedule now that the season is over!  :)

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