Saturday, November 10, 2012

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

Saturday in between all of Karis' cheerleading activities, we shopped for our Operation Christmas Child.  If you have never done this or don't know what it is, watch this video.  It seriously brings tears to my eyes every time I see it.  

We have done this for years and several years we have gotten a letter back from our child which is such a blessing.  We are hoping we get one back this year too!!!

We went shopping with the Tillmans and then came back home to get them all ready...

Brayden and Karis both drew a picture and wrote a letter to their child that will receive their box....

 The kids LOVED putting the boxes together and picking out the supplies!

We were honored to do this again this year.  So humbling and convicting to think this will be the highlight of a child's year.  It puts everything into perspective really quick.

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