Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving at Lollis

Since me and most of my brothers were out of town visiting family for Thanksgiving, we decided to celebrate with my family on Saturday night at mom's house.  She cooked a wonderful dinner and we enjoyed time hanging out with the family.  It was so good to spend time with everyone (we missed you Jonathan and Jenna!).

Matt and Tiff have started being a "friend family" to a 16 year old girl in a children's home.  They will basically take her home on some weekends and on holidays since she doesn't have a family to go home to.  She is super sweet and we were thankful she is part of the family!

Brayden had a random reaction and his lip swelled up really big.  I gave him Benadryl and within a couple of hours it went down.   You can kinda see it in this picture below...

Lucy carrying around one of her favorite baby dolls at Lolli's's about as big as she is!

Sweet Uncle time...

The five grandkids (2 are foster and can't be shown quite yet)....

Brayden was so proud of these shirts that he and "Lil' B" had matching.  It was so cute!

The girls....

Two of my brothers Matt and Allen...I guess facial hair is the trend?!  

I guess these three were worn out from their long day.  They ALL three fell asleep in the living room when we got home.

Of course we got to see this big win when we got home that night!  Way to go REBS!
It has been a wonderful Thanksgiving with family!

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