Friday, November 23, 2012

Brayden loses his first tooth!

On Black Friday, we enjoyed sleeping in and hanging out in our pj's until the afternoon.  We ended up getting out some later that afternoon when there weren't huge crowds.

But we did have some excitement and we were all 5 there to see it!   Brayden pulled his first tooth all by himself.  It has been loose for weeks and he was scared to death to pull it but today it was just hanging so we told him it had to come out!  Karis was his cheerleader!

Before and scared to death...

And immediately after....SOOOO relieved!  We were all screaming in excitement!

Comparison shot...
 We were so very proud of him!  He did so good.  Oh and by the way, the reason you don't see a big hole is because his other tooth had already completely come in BEHIND the loose tooth.  You can see it in the after picture.  CRAZY!  Karis' first tooth did the exact same thing!

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