Sunday, November 25, 2012

Friends when life is just hard...

I am quite aware that in the midst of the holidays and all the fun festivities/busyness of seeing family, there are those that are hurting.  Whether it be the loss of a family member, infidelity, miscarriage or infertility, life is just plain hard sometimes.  My heart aches for those and I try not to forget them in the midst of the happy times, knowing it isn't and won't always be this way.  I have several friends going through some of these issues and I know that they will be encouraged with this verse God gave me this weekend.

 Never forget that when it feels like you can't hold yourself up, there is ONE who can.  And He is waiting on you to admit you need Him and that you can't do it alone.   He, indeed, is FAITHFUL!

It's neat to see how God works because I instagrammed this verse and read the comments that follow.  It was totally a GOD thing!!!

I am thankful for Christmas decorations, stockings, and a warm fire to cozy up to on cold/dreary days!

Sunday morning I got to keep these sweet peas :)

It was clearly "best friend" day at our house because all 3 kids ended up spending it with their best bud in all the world!

Karis went to Mari-Morgans for the afternoon but then when Paige brought her home, she wanted to stay at our house and play for a while and since we were heading her way in just a little bit, she got to stay.  The girls were thrilled can you tell?!

Brayden with his best bed Eli...

And Story's family is moving an hour away to Oxford tomorrow (Monday) so Story came over so Adam and Amy could pack up boxes/moving truck.  These girls have NO idea how their life is about to change and it breaks my heart.  These two love each other!

Today I am thankful for God's words and friends for without them we would all be one big mess!

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